Course Curriculum

  • 01

    Foundations for Success

    • Serving Today's Customer

    • What is Digital Retailing?

    • Serve Don't Sell Mentality

    • Becoming a Digital Retailing Champion

    • Knowledge Check

  • 02

    Nurturing Leads at Every Buying Stage

    • Providing Value in Micro-moments

    • Knowledge Check

    • Awareness Stage

    • Consideration Stage

    • Decision Stage

    • Knowledge Check

  • 03

    Communication Strategies

    • Communication Foundations

    • Leveraging Digital Body Language

    • The Secret to Successful Communication

    • Knowledge Check

    • Know Your Customers

    • Serving the Dominant Buyer

    • Serving the Expressive Buyer

    • Serving the Supportive Buyer

    • Serving the Analytical Buyer

    • Knowledge Check

  • 04

    Course Completion Test

    • Introduction to Modern Retailing

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